You Can't Pour from an Empty Cup.

You Can't Pour from an Empty Cup.

Published by Green Envy on May 12th 2018

They tell you in the airplane to always put on your oxygen mask before assisting others. That applies to in-flight emergencies and to motherhood.

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 You cannot give 100% of yourself to those that depend on you if you don’t have 100% to give. In order to assist others reliably, consistently and fully, you first have to make sure oxygen is flowing. This means more than just getting out of the house for an hour by yourself every month if chance allows. This means an intentional commitment to yourself. To take care of YOU each day, the same way that you take care of others and in the same way that you’d want your children to take care of themselves when they grow up. Today, we salute mother’s and encourage self-care. Whether you are a WFH Mom, SAH Mom, Career Mom, Foster Mom, Single Mom or Expectant Mom, remember to make yourself a priority.

We love these words of wisdom and tips for self-care:

  • Exercise. Literally, get the oxygen flowing. Move at your pace, but move. Getting the blood flowing is sometimes all we need to push through a rut.
  • Go out with friends. Interacting with adult humans is refreshing, amiright? Remember to engage with friends and other mommas in non-child focused ways too! Mom’s were women without children before they were mom’s…so most will have other passions and interests besides bedtime routines, organic baby food and the state of the art diaper bag insert.
  • Dress to impress [yourself]. We obviously cannot promote this tip enough! Sometimes putting on an amazing pair of shoes, jeans, earrings or your favorite cashmere sweater can make all the difference in your day. Never underestimate the power of a good outfit to elevate your mood and confidence.
  • Go to sleep! You know how your kiddos are irritable when they don’t get enough sleep? Don’t be fooled. That happens to adults too.
  • Eat well. We promote this always, for anyone, and think it really boosts energy and mood. Eat colorfully and be fruitful!
  • Date night. Don’t forget to nurture your relationship with your partner! Parenting is difficult for both parties and life gets hectic. Scheduling a time to date is important.
  • Do you. What did you like to do before you had kids? Don’t forget that our baby birds will fly the nest one day and your role as mother bird will look a bit different.
  • Let go of guilt. Easier said than done, absolutely. Rest assured though, making time for yourself is not a selfish act. It’s a selfless commitment to ensuring that you are ready to care for the people that depend on you, when they need you the most.
  • Learn Something New. Keep your mind sharp, your confidence high and your horizons open! Our babies are constantly learning new skills and embarking on new life experiences – we should do the same!
  • Keep a gratitude journal. Being mindful of your everyday life can help boost your mood and embrace the less-fortunate things that may have happened that day. Studies show being more aware and grateful for the good things that happen each day can lower anxiety and depression.

Every woman’s self-care routine will look different based on their needs and passions. The important thing is that you make yourself a priority!

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Happy Mother’s Day!