Sit and Be Fit.

Sit and Be Fit.

Published by Green Envy on May 21st 2018

We love an exercise that you can do anywhere, with no equipment and gain fast results. Enter, the squat. This efficient movement is most well-known for it’s glute region benefits, but adding squatting into your workout or daily routine has more perks than you may think!

  • Prevents Injury. They say, lift with your legs, not your back. The squat is a real-life movement that we think deserves extra attention to maintaining. We squat to get in and out of our desk chairs, to pick up our littles (to pick up anything!) to reach that gallon of milk on the bottom shelf. Exercising and strengthening this motion will help you avoid silly injuries that could occur doing everyday tasks.
  • Full Body Benefits. The squat engages your core, calves, glutes, quads and hamstrings, making the squat a powerhouse movement that works several important muscles at once! EXTRA: Try a sumo squat (wider stance, toes pointed slightly out) to activate the inner thigh muscle more heavily!
  • Improves Your Balance. Fine tuning your core and major leg muscles will keep your body more stable as you move through your day. EXTRA: If your body weight squats are becoming easy (bravo!), try squats on a bosu ball. The soft surface and variability of movement will engage more muscles!
  • Burns Calories. You may not burn the same as you would during a job, but don’t underestimate squats for their calorie burning benefit! EXTRA: Add a jump into your squat movement and really feel the burn. Remember to land softly and in one fluid motion.

The key to gaining maximum benefits and preventing injury while performing any exercise, including squats, is to make sure you have correct form. See the image and link below for helpful tips!


If you need a good starting challenge, here’s a starting point!


Happy squats ladies!
